What is wrong with you people?
What is wrong with you people? Seriously, what is wrong with Cavs fans/commentators and their combination of love for the Mitchell trade and hate for the Cavs team after the trade? Yes I’ll use an example, and yes I’ll generalize from it. The Chase Down Pod, two (alleged) Cavs fans who blew up over the Mitchell trade and are thrilled with it just predicted the Cavs to win 50-52 games and win a, singular, playoff series. Junk. Garbage. Inconsistent takes everywhere. Back up to last season. Going into the All-Star break the Cavs were on a 49.5 win pace, and they had already lost Sexton 11 games in, and Rubio at game 34. Darius had missed 11 as well, so this team had been hit with a pair of major injuries, several minor injuries and was still on a nearly 50 win pace. The trade for a 26 year old, 3X all-star is going to make us roughly as good as we were with Rubio and Lauri and pre Garland’s leap (24/8 post all-star break) ...