Offseason grades: Timberwolves
NBA offseason grades: Grading without a structure is dumb, so here is the structure: Teams have goals, grades are a combination of what I think the teams are trying to achieve, how well they achieve it with the move and what the costs are. A-F grading where C is average means that most moves get Cs as most moves don’t end up seriously impactful. A small improvement is actually a C, not a C+ as every team is out looking to improve and the talent depth of the league has been growing meaning teams are better on average most years and standing pat is a C- move. If you were an A+ team coming in and you get a C- grade that doesn’t mean you are a C- team, it means you are an A team instead of an A+ team now. The other note is that while most moves are Cs, there are also more C- and lower grades than C+ and higher. The reason is simple, the majority of great moves come from the draft, and a good chunk of the rest are things like ‘Lebron wants to play i...